Power Puzzle

by D9Soft


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An exciting game for those who like logic puzzles. At first glance, the game seems complicated, but you’ll easily learn how to balance the resistance right after you deal with the tricks!The game field is divided into cells with gas-discharge indicators. The indicator of each cell corresponds to the resistance in the respective horizontal and vertical circuits. Depending on the status of the circuit, indicator gets highlighted in different color: the ideal resistance corresponds to orange; too low resistance corresponds to yellow, and too high resistance corresponds to red.The goal of the game: You have to bring the circuit back to normal condition, that is, to make all the lights orange. How to do it? Move cells in such a way that the sum of figures in each row and each column corresponds to 25. Three game modes are available: "Empty cell," "Line," and "Rotation."Move cells with indicators of different values and get the desired result! In the first mode, the movement is available within one cell only since one indicator is absent. You can put any nearby cell in its place. In the second mode, the movement is available within the whole array. In this case, indicators that go beyond the boundaries of the playing field will appear on the opposite side. In the third mode, you can rotate 3x3 cells block with the average indicator as a center. Start playing and enjoy the addictive puzzle game!